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John Newling Intervention:

'Market of Hidden Labours.'


Using a market themed exhibition to showcase your ideas, using statistics such as pie charts and graphs to identify how women are unequal to men in society and as artists in the art world. It was very interesting to see how the public responded to the stall, and very interesting opinions and thoughts were exchanged. The idea of the stall is that it is about the 'Market of ideas' and how the language is exchanged between one another of the topic. The mannequins was a successful idea throughout the exhibition, because it enabled the public to express there opinions. The public wrote their opinions on a board which were divided into sections of the male and female and to identify many artists you can think of. Men were popular in terms of the old- fashioned artists such as Van Gogh, but the female side had lots of contemporary female artists which is interesting and identifies the shift of the era on how accepting as an art world we have become for female artists. This is a relief that the audience wanted to make a point, to say that women are actually equal in the art world. However women may be more accepted now, but the most famous artists that are recognised are men, the female artists that were mentioned are contemporary artist that many people of the general public would not have heard, unless they study or have an interest in art themselves. The quotations board was full of quotations from men and women in history, that were seen to have valued professions and intelligence, such as Aristotle who had lots of words to say about women that were derogatory, and sexist. The positive side was to see that not just women but men disagreed with the statements, so does this identify that women are more accepted in the world, maybe to an extent that professions are accepting to us, but were still sexualized as beings, as the media such as magazines, the T.V still exploit women.

Urban Intervention.

Partaken in an experiment from the cast of a mannequins torso , which we had worn to try and mould their skinny waists into shape. Which we knew was impossible! The aim for the casts was for the public to write down any thoughts from the statements of how there is less than 5% women in the modern art sections and that 85% are nudes. This was to strike a reaction from the public to see how men and women felt about this statement. We found that it was an interesting response, in from all ages and cultures. I felt that we got the positive response that we wanted, the objective was to raise the subject that women are still seen as the minority or not to be equal, and the response was fantastic, as women and men do not believe that women should be treated any differently regards there gender. It was positive to see how men felt about the subject, as a society we just think that women should have a say about the subject of feminism, but then are we as women, being equal? So yes a great varied response. (A thumbs up!!)

Perfect Woman?

As women in society we are constantly striving for perfection? Why? This is because we are constantly surrounded by these airbrushed perfection of women or models (mannequins). So in our mindset we think we need to improve ourselves to be accepted in society as a 'beautiful perfect woman.' Constant Imagery in magazines, T.V, Adverts, and films, where women are seen to be this sexy, seductive character. So I set out a task of the public to take part to draw what they feel is the perfect females body. The response from the public was interesting, it was quite a mixed view of thoughts, as some females and males wanted the perfect womanly figure. However some did express that looks are not important, and that it is all down to the media today, because an interesting comment of that it is not just women that want perfection but also men. Which they want to stay groomed and take extra care in themselves, with fake tan and certain trend of hairstyles, so we all agree that the media is definitely a major influence, but it is not just aimed at women but men. I still believe that from this intervention that women are still seen at sexualized beings, as certain features of the body are emphasized and very detailed.

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